Thanks & Merry Christmas

Champagne Duménil sincerely thanks you for contributing to the sustainability of our French artisanal know-how.

By choosing “Champagne Duménil” you will enhance our status as a independent wine grower,
essential for the economy of our beautiful Champagne region.

The Champagne Duménil team wishes you a happy end of  year.

Global Champagne Day 🍾


Gobal Champagne Day is World Champagne Day, a day where we celebrate Sharing and Celebration, Wine and Men.

Champagne Day is like a giant aperitif programmed on Facebook, Instagram or the desire for a glass of Champagne at noon or midnight, all over the world.

Let us share your pictures of Champagne Duménil times.

Harvest 2020 🍇

 After an incredible spring, the unconfined vineyard had gained a head start, well ahead.

You have to go back to 1823 to find such precocity.

This year, the harvest began on August 20.

The heatwave and long days of summer sun also accelerated the maturity of the grapes. 


 A harvest that everyone will remember… to discover in at least 4 years.

Ressortissant du Comité Champagne SIRET 78038582900012 -Titulaire de l identifiant unique FR 246128_01QEKR – – Copyright © 2022 – Champagne Dumenil